If you are a customer who pushes out the Remark Test Grading Edition for Windows installation via Active Directory, you may find the following FAQ helpful. In some instances, you may notice a subtle issue with the application fonts after the software has been pushed out to the desktop systems:
This is the screen where you would modify the answer key for a test. If you are an experienced Remark Test Grading Edition user you will notice that this screen does not look quite right. The answer choices should look like OMR bubbles and not the traditional letters and ₵ symbol shown above. This problem is the symptom of a missing font on the system. Due to the way fonts are installed with Active Directory, you’ll need to restart the computer after installing Remark Test Grading Edition. Once the computer is restarted, the appropriate OMR Bubble fonts should be installed successfully. The next time you run the software, the modify answer key screen will look the way it was designed:
Please contact our support team if you have any further questions.
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