Yes! You read that correctly, Remark Office OMR and Remark Test Grading process plain paper forms!
Standard 20 lb. copy paper works well for single sided forms. When printing duplex (double sided), you may want to consider a thicker paper stock such as 28 lb. or higher. We recommend this because Remark can process forms completed with any writing instrument. If respondents use a gel pen, Sharpie, or other instrument that might bleed through the page, you will want something a little thicker to handle potential bleeding.
When designing forms for Remark Office OMR remember to always follow our form design best practices and do not hesitate to take advantage of our free form review service. We recommend that you test your paper selection prior to printing and distributing large quantities.
For more information on the Remark Products please contact Remark Sales at [email protected] or +1-800.858.0860. For technical assistance, please contact Remark Support at [email protected] or +1.610.647.8595.
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