Within Remark Office OMR, you can set a particular region in the form template file as an Analysis Respondent ID to use as an identifier on reports and in data exports. These Analysis Respondent IDs can be student/respondent names, student/respondent ID numbers, or both.
When set as an Analysis Respondent ID region, the resulting reports or data exports show the information captured in the region alongside of the results.
For example, if you administer a test where the student bubbles in their student ID number, the grade report show the student ID numbers and then that student’s grade result.
Check the box “Designate as a respondent ID” under Analysis Respondent ID in Advanced Region Properties for the Analysis Respondent ID region in the OMR form template file.
You can also go into Question Properties in Advanced Grade or Advanced Survey in Remark Quick Stats and check the box “This question identifies the student (respondent)” for the Analysis Respondent ID region.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact Remark Support at 610-647-8595 or [email protected].
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