Dick Mayer started with Remark Office OMR version 1.1 back in 1993. Dick has been a long time beta tester and contributor to the products and has answered countless questions about the products for other customers throughout the years. Thank you Dick!
Organization & Human Development’s focus is on quality and process improvement and development of people in business, government, healthcare and non-profit agencies both domestic and international. It specializes in using survey feedback to accomplish its objectives. Dick says “When I am asked how OHD provides such high quality consulting work at a modest cost, Remark Products are always part of my reply. To achieve these results, OHD needs software that works reliably every time, is intuitive and easy to learn, and is cost effective. Remark Office OMR and Remark Web Survey are a vital part of the tool set I use everyday. Every associate I have recommended their software to has later confirmed that my advice was appreciated.“