The health and safety of your employees, partners, vendors, and visitors is always of paramount importance and is especially highlighted during the current time of the COVID-19 pandemic. One addition to many safety programs is to implement health questionnaires for everyone coming to your job sites and offices. A simple health questionnaire can assist with preventing your onsite workers and visitors from unnecessary health risks. Use the questionnaires to prevent potentially infected persons from entering your business. In addition, use the completed questionnaires and data to maintain a record of all people coming into your locations.
Requirements vary across locations and industries, so choosing a flexible solution that allows you to create your own forms is of the utmost importance. With Remark Office OMR, you create your own health questionnaires and other forms in Word or other programs. You have complete control over your form layout and content. You can print your own health questionnaires and have your employees and site visitors fill out paper forms at your job sites before entering. Using paper forms eliminates the need for individuals sharing a computer or tablet when filling out questionnaires. Completed forms can be scanned using any image scanner, copier, or scanning app. Remark Office OMR pulls the data from the completed form images and provides a simple interface for reviewing and exporting the data. If you need to archive your data, Remark Office OMR will export the scanned forms to most any database or spreadsheet format including SQL and Oracle databases, Excel, SPSS and many more formats.
Many businesses have implemented contactless thermometers to make sure employees’ temperatures are below 100.4◦ Fahrenheit. These results can be entered on your health questionnaires for archival purposes. Anyone who has a temperature or selects an option on their health questionnaire that makes them more of a contamination risk of the virus is prevented from accessing your facility.
Remark Office OMR has helped many companies with their health questionnaires. The forms and process vary by company, but the idea is the same: keeping people safe.
Remark Office OMR has been helping companies and organizations collect and analyze data for almost 30 years. With over 100,00 customers in more than 130 countries, Remark Office OMR is the world’s most trusted OMR software.
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